
I took help from Admit Expert for my US b-school admissions process. Right from the beginning of the process, I had the liberty to take the process in the direction I preferred. I was offered a catalogue of lead consultants to choose from, post which I had chats with a selected few whose schools portfolio of successful clients’ admits matched my school preferences. I chose my lead consultant with due guidance from chief operations officer at Admit Expert. My lead consultant matched my wave length and eventually mentored me in more ways than one. Instead of being a mechanical array of action steps to be followed, the process was loaded with human touch – empathy, understanding, and conflict resolution.

My lead consultant & I touched base almost everyday via her feedback points on my stories/ essays in a Google doc and she was always up for a call when needed, providing me comfort and peace that someone has got my back at all times. To give an example of the constant support I got – my lead consultant lives out of Seattle while I am in India and sometimes I would text her in the middle of my day (wee hours of morning for her: 3-4 AM), expecting to receive a response once she wakes up as per PST. However, she used text me back within 30 mins irrespective of her timezone. The support is unparalleled.

The multiple level of reviews on my essays from my lead consultant, Quality check from Quality Assurance Mentors, and then from school mentors (alumni of the schools I applied to) helped me gain confidence that my essays are tight and would appease to people with varied perspectives. The different school mentors that reviewed my essays were well acquainted with the ideal essay structure that the school expects and offered me critical guidance. The editing team came to my rescue in wrapping my essay content into the word limit provided by schools. This came extremely handy during last minute submissions when I ran over the word limit in an attempt to convey a lot in my essays but had a word limit to adhere to.

Once I got interview calls, my lead consultant went far overboard her expected scope of responsibilities to help me prepare adequately for my interviews right from guiding me for the date to be chosen for my interviews to suggesting me to drop thank you notes to my interviewers post the interview, and everything in between.

Once I converted few schools, she helped me choose between them based on my post mba goals, the community and culture of the schools

All in all, I felt ample support and received more than enough help in all areas of my admission process and I want to thank admit expert including my lead consultant, quality reviewers, all the school mentors, and the editing team to help me convert 3 business schools – UNC Kenan Flagler with $50,000 scholarship , Indiana Kelley with $80,000 scholarship , and Darden with $40,000 scholarship.

I strongly recommend Admit Expert to anyone aspiring to make it to their dream b-schools.

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