Georgetown McDonough MBA Program – A Complete Overview



Embark on a journey of academic excellence and career transformation with the complete guide to Georgetown McDonough’s MBA Program. Delve into the diverse and accomplished Class of 2025, gain insights from the record-breaking employment reports of the Class of 2023, and navigate the crucial application deadlines. Uncover the financial landscape with a detailed breakdown of the cost of attendance and explore the myriad of scholarship opportunities that underscore McDonough’s commitment to fostering diversity and supporting its students.

Georgetown McDonough MBA

Class Profile 2025

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business welcomes the MBA Class of 2025, a dynamic and diverse group that reflects the school’s commitment to fostering a global and inclusive learning environment. Let’s delve into the key statistics and characteristics of this year’s cohort.

Enrollment Overview

Total Enrolled258
Applications Received1,428
Acceptance Rate18.05%

Demographic Diversity

Female Students31%
U.S. Diversity42%
Underrepresented Minorities19%
International Students59%
U.S. Military11%

The cohort’s gender diversity and international representation are noteworthy, with a significant proportion of female and international students, promoting a rich exchange of perspectives and experiences.

Academic and Professional Background

Average Years of Work Experience5.5
Average Age29
Average GPA3.34
Average GMAT695
Average GRE318
Percentage taking GRE37%
Average EA153

The class exhibits a balanced mix of academic achievements and professional experience, providing a fertile ground for robust discussions and collaborative learning.

Major Industry Backgrounds

Financial Services14%
Technology & New Media12%
Consumer Product Goods3%

The diversity of industry backgrounds reflects the program’s ability to attract professionals from various sectors, creating a multifaceted learning environment.

Undergraduate Fields of Study

Field of StudyPercentage
Math/Physical Sciences15%
Government & Int. Studies9%

The diverse academic backgrounds of the students contribute to a well-rounded and interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving and strategic thinking.

Countries Represented

Across the Full-time and Flex Class of 2025, students hail from 40 countries, showcasing the program’s global reach and appeal.

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

The extensive list of represented countries underlines the international character of the program, fostering a truly global learning experience.

Georgetown McDonough MBA Employment Report

Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business proudly presents the impressive employment outcomes of its Full-time MBA Class of 2023. The cohort has achieved record-breaking salaries and high employment rates, signaling the program’s success in preparing students for impactful careers. Let’s delve into the key findings of the 2023 MBA Employment Report.

Employment Statistics:

Full-Time Offers Within 3 Months93.3%
Accepted Offers Within 3 Months92.5%
Average Full-Time Salary$149,256
Average Signing Bonus$43,325

Observations: The high percentage of students receiving and accepting offers within three months of graduation reflects the program’s effectiveness in connecting students with meaningful career opportunities. The average salary and signing bonus demonstrate substantial growth compared to the previous year, showcasing the value and competitiveness of a Georgetown MBA.

Salary Breakdown:

By Citizenship

CitizenshipOffer RateAcceptance RateAverage Base Salary
U.S. Students93.4%92.5%$148,239
International Students93.3%91.0%$150,956

Observations: The employment success is consistent among U.S. and international students, with slightly higher average salaries for international graduates. This underscores the global relevance of Georgetown’s MBA program.

By Industry

IndustryPercentageMean SalaryMedian Salary
Consumer Goods / Retail5%$126,667$118,000
Financial Services25%$150,383$147,500
Manufacturing / Transportation / Energy5%$126,000$130,000
Real Estate / Hospitality5%$124,583$122,500
Social Impact / Nonprofit / Government4%$100,623$92,000

Observations: Consulting emerges as a dominant industry in terms of employment, offering the highest mean and median salaries. The distribution across various sectors highlights the versatility of Georgetown MBA graduates.

By Function

FunctionPercentageMean SalaryMedian Salary
Finance / Advisory / M&A23%$159,547$175,000
General/Strategy / Management9%$147,250$142,800
Operations / Logistics / Supply Chain2%$175,400$175,000

Observations: The distribution by function reveals the diverse career paths chosen by graduates, with impressive salaries in consulting, finance, and technology roles.

Geographical Placement:

West (Including Alaska and Hawaii)10%

Observations: The majority of graduates secure positions in the U.S., with significant representation across various regions, showcasing the national and regional impact of Georgetown MBA talent.

MBA Application Deadlines

The application process for the Full-time MBA program at McDonough is punctuated by several deadlines, offering flexibility for candidates to plan their submissions. Here are the key application deadlines:

Round 1October 2, 2023
Round 2January 4, 2024
Round 3March 26, 2024
Round 4April 30, 2024

These rounds allow applicants to strategically plan their submissions based on personal and professional considerations.

Full-time MBA Program Costs

Georgetown McDonough provides a breakdown of direct and indirect expenses for the academic year 2023-2024. The total cost includes tuition, fees, and estimated living expenses. Below is a tabular representation of the program costs:

Direct ExpensesAmountIndirect ExpensesAmount
Tuition$64,600Average Living Allowance$26,578
Graduate Student Activity Fee$38Average Books$2,646
GU Health Insurance (may be waived)$3,425Average Travel$3,126
Subtotal$68,063Federal Direct Loan Fees$3,100
Total Cost per Year$103,513

*Direct expenses are charges reflected on the billing statement, while indirect expenses are estimates of associated costs for education during the fall and spring semesters. Tuition, fees, and living expenses are subject to change annually.

MBA Scholarships

Georgetown McDonough is committed to fostering diversity and supporting students in their pursuit of higher education. The school offers a range of scholarships to eligible candidates. Here’s an overview of some prominent scholarship opportunities:

Scholarship NameDescription AccessPartnership with Access offering a scholarship of up to $5,000 for underrepresented minorities and women.
Bepina Sabalic Kunin Endowed Scholarship FundSupports Catholic Croatian students aiming to contribute to Croatia’s development. Separate application and criteria apply.
The Consortium for Graduate Study of ManagementEnhances diversity by offering scholarships for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.
FIDERHPartnership with the Fund for the Development of Human Resources (FIDERH) for Mexican students.
Forté Fellows ProgramPartial to full tuition scholarships for women, promoting access to business education and community support.
MBA Entrepreneurship FellowshipLeadership role in Georgetown Entrepreneurship with opportunities for MBA students interested in entrepreneurship.
MBA Fintech FellowshipResearch opportunities with leading faculty in Fintech, finance, and technology industries.
McDonough MBA Merit ScholarshipMerit-based scholarships recognizing academic, personal, and professional accomplishments.
Yellow RibbonSupport for veterans through matching funds with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Note: The above scholarships represent a subset of available opportunities. Additional criteria and separate applications may apply for certain scholarships.

Prospective students are encouraged to explore these scholarships, aligning their goals and achievements with the specific criteria outlined by Georgetown McDonough.

Final Thoughts

Georgetown McDonough’s MBA Program stands as a beacon for those aspiring to elevate their business acumen and shape impactful careers. From rich class profiles and stellar employment reports to meticulous insights on application deadlines, costs, and scholarships, this guide offers a holistic view of what awaits prospective students. As you navigate through the facets of McDonough’s MBA journey, envision not only an education but a transformative experience that propels you toward leadership and success in the dynamic world of business.

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