2023-2024 Michigan Ross MBA Essay Analysis and Tips



Michigan Ross stands as a premier institution for MBA education due to its exceptional commitment to excellence, innovation, and impact-driven learning. Renowned for its dynamic and relevant curriculum, Ross equips students with practical skills to navigate complex business challenges successfully. The school’s emphasis on action-based learning fosters real-world problem-solving, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for the ever-evolving business landscape.

michigan ross mba essay analysis and tips

Additionally, Ross boasts a vibrant and collaborative community, promoting diverse perspectives and networking opportunities through its extensive alumni network. Additionally, with top-notch faculty and a strong focus on leadership development, it is not difficult to see why the University has thousands of applicants for their MBA program. An important part of that application process, however, is the essay, which is what we will dive into below!

Michigan Ross MBA Essay Prompts

Compared to other universities, Michigan Ross has a unique essay process. While many other universities have maybe 2 or 3 mandatory essays to answer, Ross has 2 separate groups of 3 essays each that an applicant can pick from. Both Group A and Group B have three personalized questions that need to be answered within 100 words. Additionally, there is a career-based question that needs to be answered in under 150 words and an optional essay relating to any gaps in the candidate’s profile.

Here are the Michigan Ross MBA Essay Prompts

Part 1: Short-answer questions

Select one prompt from each group of the two groups below. Respond to each selected prompt in 100 words or less (<100 words each; 200 words total).

Group 1

  • I want people to know that I:
  • I made a difference when I:
  • I was aware that I was different when:

Group 2

  • I was out of my comfort zone when:
  • I was humbled when:
  • I was challenged when: 

Part 2: Career Goal

What is your short-term career goal and why is this the right goal for you? (150 words)

Optional statement: Is there something in your resume or application that could use some explanation? You might want to discuss the completion of supplemental coursework, employment gaps, academic issues, etc.  Feel free to use bullet points where appropriate.

Now that we’ve covered what their questions are, let’s dive into detail on how you can ideally answer them.

Michigan Ross MBA Essay Analysis

Group A

Group A Framework

The framework for how you can go about writing your essay for Ross’ MBA is as follows: This framework has been further explained below to give you more insight while crafting your essays.

I want people to know that I…

  1. Reflect on your strengths.
  2. Be specific and provide examples.
  3. Connect your experiences to your MBA goals.
  4. Demonstrate self-awareness
  5. Express your passion and motivation.
  6. Showcase your potential contributions.
  7. Maintain a confident and positive tone.

I made a difference when I…

  1. Identify a significant achievement.
  2. Describe the context.
  3. Outline your actions.
  4. Quantify the results if possible.
  5. Emphasize teamwork and collaboration.
  6. Reflect on the significance
  7. Connect to your MBA goals.
  8. Showcase personal qualities.
  9. Use storytelling techniques.

I was aware that I was different when…

  1. Choose a defining moment.
  2. Describe the situation.
  3. Reflect on your differences.
  4. Discuss your response.
  5. Highlight your strengths.
  6. Connect to your MBA goals.
  7. Demonstrate self-awareness
  8. Show cultural competency.

Michigan Ross MBA Group A Essay Analysis

I want people to know that I… (100 words)

When answering the question, “I want people to know that I…” in an MBA essay, it’s important to focus on highlighting your unique qualities, experiences, and achievements that demonstrate your potential as a successful MBA candidate.

It is also important to remember to tailor your response to the specific requirements and values of the MBA program you are applying to. By effectively conveying your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations, you can create a compelling essay that captures the attention of the admissions committee and showcases your potential as an MBA candidate.

Below are some points to help you craft an effective response:

  • Reflect on your strengths: Consider your personal and professional qualities that set you apart. What are your unique skills, attributes, or experiences that make you stand out? Think about your leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, industry expertise, or any other strengths that showcase your potential as a business leader.
  • Be specific and provide examples: Instead of making broad statements, support your claims with concrete examples. Describe specific instances where you demonstrated your strengths or achieved significant results. These examples could come from your work experience, academic projects, extracurricular activities, or community involvement.
  • Connect your experiences to your MBA goals: Show how your experiences and strengths align with your future goals as an MBA candidate. Explain how your past accomplishments have prepared you for the challenges and opportunities that an MBA program can offer. Discuss how you plan to leverage your MBA education to further develop your skills and achieve your long-term career objectives.
  • Demonstrate self-awareness: Show that you have a clear understanding of your strengths and areas for growth. Discuss any challenges or obstacles you have faced and how you have overcome them. Emphasize your ability to learn from your experiences and continuously improve yourself as a professional.
  • Express your passion and motivation: Convey your enthusiasm for pursuing an MBA and your genuine interest in the business field. Share what drives you and why you are passionate about making an impact in the business world. Discuss any specific areas of business or industries that you are particularly interested in and explain why they resonate with you.
  • Showcase your potential contributions: Highlight how your unique qualities and experiences can contribute to the MBA program and the broader business community. Discuss how you can bring a fresh perspective, diverse experiences, or specific skills to the classroom and collaborative projects. Articulate how you can add value to your future classmates’ learning experiences.
  • Maintain a confident and positive tone: Present your accomplishments and aspirations with confidence, but avoid sounding arrogant. Showcase your self-assurance and belief in your abilities while maintaining humility and respect for others.
I made a difference when I… (100 words)

When answering the question, “I made a difference when I…” in an MBA essay, it’s important to highlight specific instances where you have had a positive impact or created meaningful change. Remember to be authentic and genuine in your response, focusing on the impact you made and the lessons you learned.

By effectively communicating how you made a difference, you can showcase your ability to create positive change and demonstrate your potential as an MBA candidate. Also, you must keep in mind that while bringing out the below aspects you need to be brief and precise. Here are some tips to help you craft the essay more effectively:

  • Identify a significant achievement: Think about a specific situation or project where you made a tangible difference. It could be a professional experience, a personal initiative, a leadership role, or community involvement. Choose an accomplishment that showcases your ability to drive positive change and make an impact. Below are a few points to help you write the draft more effectively:
  • Describe the context: Provide background information about the situation or problem you encountered. Explain the challenges, goals, or issues that prompted your involvement. Clearly articulate why this particular situation was important and the impact it had on others or the organization.
  • Outline your actions: Describe the actions you took to address the situation and make a difference. Explain your role and responsibilities, the strategies or approaches you employed, and the specific steps you took to overcome challenges or obstacles. Highlight any innovative or creative solutions you developed.
  • Quantify results if possible: Whenever possible, quantify the results or outcomes of your actions. Did you increase revenue, improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, or achieve any other measurable improvements? Use metrics or specific data points to demonstrate the magnitude of your impact.
  • Emphasize teamwork and collaboration: If your achievement involved working with others, highlight the collaborative aspects of your efforts. Discuss how you effectively led a team, built partnerships, or fostered cooperation among stakeholders. Show how your ability to work with others contributed to the success of the project and the achievement of your goals.
  • Reflect on the significance: Discuss the broader implications or significance of your accomplishment. How did your actions create value, solve a problem, or contribute to the overall success of the organization or community? Reflect on the long-term impact and sustainability of your efforts.
  • Connect to your MBA goals: Articulate how this experience aligns with your aspirations as an MBA candidate. Explain how it has shaped your perspective, developed your skills, or reinforced your passion for making a difference in the business world. Discuss how an MBA education can further enhance your ability to drive positive change and make a lasting impact.
  • Showcase personal qualities: Highlight the personal qualities or strengths that enabled you to make a difference. Whether it was your leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, resilience, or determination, demonstrate how these qualities played a crucial role in achieving your goals.
  • Use storytelling techniques: Craft a compelling narrative that engages the reader. Use vivid language, anecdotes, and examples to bring your achievement to life and make it memorable. Show your passion, enthusiasm, and dedication through your storytelling.
I was aware that I was different when… (100 Words)

When answering the question, “I was aware that I was different when…” in an MBA essay, it’s important to reflect on a specific moment or experience that made you realize your unique qualities, perspectives, or experiences. Brevity and conciseness are also key, considering the short word count of the essay. By effectively conveying the moment you became aware of your differences and the subsequent impact on your personal and professional growth, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your self-awareness, resilience, and ability to contribute to diverse business environments. Below are some tips to help you write the essay better:

  • Choose a defining moment: Identify a specific incident, situation, or experience that stands out in your life where you realized your differences. This could be a personal or professional event that made you aware of your unique qualities, background, or perspectives.
  • Describe the situation: Set the context by providing details about the situation or environment in which you felt different. Explain the factors that contributed to your realization. Was it a cultural setting, a work-related project, an academic experience, or a personal encounter?
  • Reflect on your differences: Share what made you different in that situation. It could be your cultural background, a particular skill set, a different approach to problem-solving, a unique perspective, or any other aspect that sets you apart. Explain why this difference is significant and how it influenced your perspective or actions.
  • Discuss your response: Describe how you reacted to the realization of your differences. Did you embrace your uniqueness, seek to understand others, or leverage your differences to contribute in a meaningful way? Discuss any challenges you faced or personal growth you experienced as a result.
  • Highlight your strengths: Emphasize the positive aspects of your differences. Discuss how your unique qualities, experiences, or perspectives have contributed to your personal and professional development. Explain how they have influenced your decision-making, problem-solving, leadership style, or ability to collaborate effectively.
  • Connect to your MBA goals: Relate your awareness of being different to your aspirations as an MBA candidate. Explain how this realization has shaped your motivation to pursue an MBA and your desire to contribute to a diverse and inclusive business environment. Discuss how your differences can add value to the MBA program and the broader business community.
  • Demonstrate self-awareness: Show that you have reflected on your differences and have a clear understanding of their impact. Discuss how you have leveraged your differences to create positive outcomes or overcome challenges. Articulate how your awareness of being different has influenced your personal and professional growth.
  • Show cultural competency: If your differences are related to your cultural background, demonstrate your cultural competency and ability to navigate diverse environments. Discuss your understanding of different perspectives, your ability to adapt to new cultures, or your experience working in multicultural teams.

Group B

Group B Essay Framework

The framework for how you can go about writing your essay for Ross’ MBA is as follows: This framework has been further explained below to give you more insight while crafting your essays.

I am out of my comfort zone when…

  1. Choose a relevant experience.
  2. Describe the context.
  3. Articulate your discomfort.
  4. Discuss your response.
  5. Highlight the learnings.
  6. Connect to your MBA goals.
  7. Showcase your adaptability and resilience.
  8. Reflect on personal growth.

I was humbled when…

  1. Choose a significant experience.
  2. Describe the situation.
  3. Explain the humbling moment.
  4. Reflect on the lessons learned.
  5. Discuss your response and growth.
  6. Connect to your MBA goals.
  7. Showcase your adaptability.
  8. Express gratitude and appreciation.

I was challenged when…

  1. Choose a meaningful challenge.
  2. Describe the context.
  3. Clearly define the challenge.
  4. Outline your response.
  5. Highlight your skills and qualities.
  6. Reflect on the learnings.
  7. Connect to your MBA goals.
  8. Showcase resilience

Group B Essay Analysis:

I am out of my comfort zone when… (100 words)

When answering the question, “I am out of my comfort zone when…” in an MBA essay, it’s important to reflect on situations or experiences that have challenged you, pushed you beyond your limits, or required you to step outside of familiar territory.

By showcasing in these 100 words, briefly, your experiences of being out of your comfort zone and the resulting personal growth, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your adaptability, resilience, and willingness to take on challenges. This can demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are prepared to embrace the opportunities and complexities of an MBA program and succeed in the business world.

Let’s have a look at some tips to help you craft the essay better:

  • Choose a relevant experience: Identify a specific situation or experience where you felt out of your comfort zone. This could be a professional challenge, a personal endeavor, a leadership role, or a new environment that stretched your abilities or tested your limits.
  • Describe the context: Set the stage by providing background information about the situation. Explain the factors that made you feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar. Was it a new role, a complex project, a cultural setting, a public speaking engagement, or any other circumstance that took you outside of your comfort zone?
  • Articulate your discomfort: Clearly express why this situation made you uncomfortable or challenged you. Identify the specific aspects that were outside of your comfort zone. Was it the level of responsibility, the need to learn new skills, the pressure to perform, the need to adapt to a different culture, or something entirely else?
  • Discuss your response: Describe how you responded to being out of your comfort zone. Did you embrace the challenge, seek support or guidance, take calculated risks, or adopt new strategies to navigate the situation? Discuss any personal growth, resilience, or adaptability you experienced as a result.
  • Highlight the learnings: Share the lessons or insights you gained from this experience. Discuss how being out of your comfort zone enhanced your skills, expanded your perspective, or pushed you to develop new capabilities. Highlight any positive outcomes, achievements, or personal development that resulted from embracing the discomfort.
  • Connect to your MBA goals: Relate your experiences of being out of your comfort zone to your aspirations as an MBA candidate. Explain how these experiences have prepared you for the challenges of an MBA program and a future career in business. Discuss how your ability to thrive in uncomfortable situations can contribute to the learning environment, foster innovation, or enable you to navigate complex business challenges.
  • Showcase your adaptability: Highlight your ability to adapt to new situations, embrace change, and thrive outside of your comfort zone. Discuss any specific instances where you successfully overcame challenges or achieved positive results by stepping outside of familiar territory.
  • Reflect on personal growth: Show that you have reflected on your experiences and understand the personal growth that comes from being out of your comfort zone. Discuss how these experiences have shaped your character, expanded your capabilities, or deepened your self-awareness.
I was humbled when… (100 words)

When answering the question, “I was humbled when…” in an MBA essay, it’s important to reflect on a specific experience or moment that brought about a sense of humility and taught you valuable lessons. By concisely and precisely conveying a humbling experience and the resulting personal growth and reflection, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your humility, resilience, and capacity for self-improvement.

This can demonstrate to the admissions committee that you possess the qualities necessary to be an effective and empathetic leader in the business world. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective response:

  • Choose a significant experience: Select an experience or event that had a profound impact on you and led to a sense of humility. It could be a personal or professional situation, a mistake or failure, a realization of your limitations, or an encounter with someone or something that challenged your perspective.
  • Describe the situation: Set the context by providing background information about the situation or event. Explain what happened and why it was humbling for you. Describe the circumstances, challenges, or interactions that led to your realization.
  • Explain the humbling moment: Clearly articulate how the experience humbled you. Discuss the emotions, thoughts, or reflections you had during that time. Explain how it affected your perception of yourself, others, or the world around you. Highlight the aspects that challenged your ego, assumptions, or preconceived notions.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned: Share the lessons or insights you gained from the humbling experience. Discuss how it influenced your personal and professional growth. Reflect on how it changed your perspective, values, or behavior. Highlight any positive changes you have made as a result.
  • Discuss your response and growth: Describe how you responded to the humbling experience. Did it inspire you to take action, seek self-improvement, or change your approach? Discuss how you used the experience as an opportunity for personal growth, learning, or self-reflection. Show how you embraced humility as a catalyst for positive change.
  • Connect to your MBA goals: Relate the humbling experience to your aspirations as an MBA candidate. Explain how it has shaped your values, leadership style, or approach to problem-solving. Discuss how your newfound humility can contribute to your success as a business leader, foster collaboration, or drive ethical decision-making.
  • Showcase your resilience: Highlight your ability to adapt, learn, and grow from challenges or setbacks. Discuss any specific instances where you demonstrated resilience and rebounded from humbling experiences. Show how you have used these experiences to develop resilience and a growth mindset.
  • Express gratitude and appreciation: Demonstrate gratitude and appreciation for the experience that humbled you. Discuss how it has provided you with valuable insights, self-awareness, or a deeper appreciation for others. Express humility by acknowledging the role of others, mentors, or circumstances in your journey.
I was challenged when… (100 words)

When answering the question, “I was challenged when…” in Ross’ MBA essay, it’s important to reflect on a specific situation or experience that presented significant obstacles or difficulties both briefly and precisely. By portraying your challenging experience and the resulting personal growth, resilience, and problem-solving abilities, you can create a compelling essay that showcases your ability to handle complex situations and excel in the MBA program and beyond.

This can demonstrate to the admissions committee that you possess the qualities necessary to thrive in the business world and contribute meaningfully to organizations.

Here are some tips to help you craft an effective response:

  • Choose a meaningful challenge: Select a specific situation or experience that genuinely tested your abilities, skills, or resilience. It could be a professional challenge, an academic endeavor, a personal project, or a team-based task that requires you to overcome obstacles or push your limits.
  • Describe the context: Set the stage by providing background information about the challenge. Explain the circumstances, goals, or expectations that made it particularly demanding. Discuss the complexity, time pressure, resource constraints, or other factors that intensified the challenge.
  • Clearly define the challenge: Clearly articulate the specific nature of the challenge you faced. Identify the key obstacles, problems, or difficulties that need to be overcome. Explain why this challenge was significant and how it impacted you or the situation at hand.
  • Outline your response: Describe the actions you took to address the challenge. Discuss the strategies, approaches, or innovative solutions you employed to navigate the difficulties. Explain how you identified and analyzed the root causes of the challenge, developed a plan of action, and executed it effectively.
  • Highlight your skills and qualities: Emphasize the skills, qualities, or strengths you utilized during the challenge. Discuss your problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, leadership qualities, resilience, and ability to collaborate effectively. Demonstrate how these attributes helped you overcome the challenge and achieve positive outcomes.
  • Reflect on the learnings: Share the lessons or insights you gained from facing the challenge. Discuss how the experience impacted your personal and professional growth. Reflect on how it enhanced your skills, expanded your knowledge, or influenced your approach to future challenges. Highlight any personal development, self-discovery, or increased confidence that resulted from the experience.
  • Connect to your MBA goals: Relate the challenge to your aspirations as an MBA candidate. Explain how this experience has prepared you for the rigors of an MBA program and a future career in business. Discuss how your ability to navigate challenges and overcome obstacles can contribute to the learning environment, inspire others, or drive innovative solutions in the business world.
  • Showcase resilience: Highlight your ability to adapt, persevere, and learn from challenging situations. Discuss any specific instances where you demonstrated resilience and successfully faced adversity. Show how you have used these experiences to develop adaptability, a growth mindset, and the ability to thrive in dynamic environments.

Short Term Career Goals Essay

Short-Term Career Goals Framework

The framework for how you can go about writing your essay for Ross’ MBA is as follows: This framework has been further explained below to give you more insight while crafting your essays.

  1. Be specific and concise.
  2. Connect to your past experiences.
  3. Align with your interests and strengths.
  4. Show understanding of the industry.
  5. Connect to your long-term aspirations
  6. Relate to the MBA program
  7. Showcase your impact and contribution.
  8. Discuss your motivation.
  9. Show commitment and feasibility.
  10. Edit and refine

Short-Term Career Goal Essay Analysis

What is your short-term career goal and why is this the right goal for you? (150 words)

When answering the question about your short-term career goal and why it is the right goal for you in an MBA essay, it’s important to provide a clear and well-reasoned response that aligns with your background, interests, and aspirations.

It is important to both effectively and briefly communicate your specific short-term career goal and explain why it is the right fit for you so that you can create a compelling essay that showcases your alignment with your chosen field, your aspirations, and your motivation to succeed. This can demonstrate to the admissions committee that you have a clear sense of direction and purpose and that an MBA education will be instrumental in achieving your career goals.

Let’s discuss some pointers that will help you write more effectively:

  • Be specific and concise: Clearly state your short-term career goal in a concise and specific manner. Avoid vague or general statements. For example, instead of saying “I want to work in finance,” specify the exact role or industry you are targeting, such as “I aim to secure a position as a financial analyst in a leading investment bank.”
  • Connect to your past experiences: Explain how your past experiences, skills, or education have prepared you for your short-term career goal. Highlight the relevant knowledge, expertise, or achievements that make you a strong fit for the chosen field or role. Show how your previous experiences have shaped your interest and passion for this particular career path.
  • Align with your interests and strengths: Discuss how your short-term career goal aligns with your interests, passions, and strengths. Explain why this goal excites you and why you believe it is the right path for you. Demonstrate self-awareness by highlighting the specific skills, qualities, or values that make you well-suited for the chosen career.
  • Show understanding of the industry: Display your knowledge and understanding of the industry or field you are targeting. Discuss any relevant industry trends, challenges, or opportunities. Demonstrate that you have conducted research and are aware of the current landscape and demands of the industry. Highlight how your short-term career goal aligns with these trends or addresses industry needs.
  • Connect to your long-term aspirations: Explain how your short-term career goal serves as a stepping stone towards your long-term career aspirations. It is also important to demonstrate the logical progression from your short-term goal to your ultimate career vision. Show how achieving your short-term goal will provide you with the necessary skills, experiences, or network to move closer to your long-term goals, thereby justifying the fact that it is the right goal for you in the short term.
  • Relate to the MBA program: Connect your short-term career goal to the specific MBA program you are applying to. Explain how the program’s curriculum, resources, or network can support your goal and help you acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for success. Discuss any unique opportunities or attributes of the program that make it a good fit for your career goals.
  • Showcase impact and contribution: Articulate how achieving your short-term career goal will enable you to make a positive impact or contribute to the industry, organization, or society. Explain the value you aim to create or the problem you aspire to solve through your chosen career path. Demonstrate your ambition to make a meaningful difference.
  • Discuss your motivation: Share your personal motivation and passion for pursuing this short-term career goal. Explain why this goal is important to you on a personal and professional level. Discuss any experiences, values, or personal connections that have influenced your decision.
  • Show commitment and feasibility: Convey your commitment to your short-term career goal by discussing any steps you have already taken towards achieving it. Highlight relevant experiences, certifications, or ongoing professional development that demonstrate your dedication and preparedness. Ensure that your goal is realistic and achievable within the given timeframe.
  • Edit and refine: After writing your response, review and revise it to ensure clarity, coherence, and impact. Eliminate any unnecessary information or repetition. Ensure that your essay flows smoothly and convincingly presents your short-term career goal and why it is the right choice for you.

Final Thoughts

Drafting the essays is one of the most important parts of the application process. And the above should perhaps help you craft it more effectively and efficiently. However, if you think you could use additional help with the process, our team of experts at Admit Expert have ample experience and will undoubtedly be able to guide you better through our in-depth analysis catered specifically for you. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us now.

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